Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Looking for a monitoring tool? Some questions to ask

While the need for a strong monitoring tool for your business is justified, you need to ask a lot of questions in order to determine that it is the right one for you. After all, your IT budget needs to be judiciously spent, and the monitoring system that you bring in should justify the spending. The number of APM solution providers in the market has increased exponentially, so you need to tread carefully while looking for one. So in addition to keeping your requirements in mind, ask the right questions before signing an agreement for a monitoring tool. Following are some of the questions you should ask:
  1. How detailed is the monitoring tool? Many products out there only pinpoint the problem, but will not identify the root of the problem. A good monitoring system should not only identify the problem, but also its cause so that the IT team can take appropriate steps to solve the issue. Only if the problem is identified quickly will the bottlenecks be solved and service level agreements met.
  2. Does it cover all applications? There are a lot of elements in the business infrastructure which can affect the performance of applications. If your monitoring tool cannot monitor all such infrastructure, it at least needs to be able to pull in data so that the IT team can get the true picture of all the applications. An effective monitoring system hence has to become the eyes of the IT team, so it can spot and prevent problems in applications.
  3. Is the monitoring system easily manageable? Some monitoring tool available today are very efficient, but require constant tracking. Also check whether the tool requires any element to be installed on your production environment. Vendors now offer totally non-intrusive monitoring systems, which will help ensure that there is a reduction in down time. This also ensures that he promises made in the service level agreements are delivered.
  4. Does the vendor offer support with the monitoring tool? An elaborate monitoring system may be very complex and you will require proper support to unravel it and put to use. Be sure to match find a monitoring tool which fits your requirements best. If there is no support provided with the system, go for one which provides less features but comes with full support. A simple monitoring system would be much more helpful than one which is complicated and requires expensive assistance.
Due to the popularity of monitoring tools and their importance in maintaining service level agreements, many APM solution providers have come forward with innovative solutions. Look for a monitoring system which matches your requirements closely, so that it can help you reduce downtime of all applications within your business.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Reduce application performance issues through strong monitoring tools

When a business provides web services or relies on applications for delivery of services, end users react as soon as there is a problem in application performance. The business will receive calls and emails from end users complaining of lost productivity and depleting revenue as soon as application performance falls below the expected threshold. IT and network managers generally struggle to handle complaints from end users and alerts from monitoring tools at the time of application failure. The main reason for this problem is the deployment of multiple tools within the organization to measure application performance; when applications fail, all of these monitoring tools generate alerts, and IT and network managers struggle to find the root cause amongst so many tools.

Multiple tools for gauging the application performance is a complication that IT and network managers can do without. That is why an end-to-end monitoring tool is required to ensure that downtime can be avoided. Even if applications are down, an end-to-end solution ensures that the root of the problem can be identified quickly and downtime can be minimized. Such a tool can be combined with regular performance testing to ensure that all applications are monitored and end users have a consistent and satisfying experience.

In addition to being an end-to-end solution, a monitoring tool also needs to generate real time alerts so that optimum application performance can be ensured at all times. IT managers can know the performance of all applications through the real-time alerts related to application availability and their response times. Such a monitoring system generally allows managers to establish certain thresholds. When these set thresholds are crossed, the system generates an alert so that IT managers can stop end users from being affected by any problem in the applications. This technique, along with performance testing, can ensure that application performance is up to the par.

The monitoring tool also needs to be consistent and proactive for successfully measuring application performance. Such proactive measures will ensure that any issues with the application can be resolved as soon as possible. Proactive monitoring also means that small problems can be prevented from becoming huge issues, and application performance is optimized. This way, all business-critical applications can function 24/7 without a problem.

Having a monitoring tool which gauges application performance in all the above-mentioned ways helps IT and network managers in making sure that they reduce the number of irate calls from end users about application downtime.